…exceptional professional coach and mentor.

Dr. Grady Batchelor is an exceptional professional coach and mentor. I have been fortunate to know him through my position in higher education and have found him to be singularly focused in helping others and organizations reach their potential. Grady developed a coach training program in which I participated, and the knowledge and skills gained from this program transformed the way I work every day. The quality of his coach training program, as well as Grady’s own coaching skills, are a testament to his professionalism and character. I have observed professional situations in which Grady has expertly guided others to identify, develop, and implement their own solutions, empowering them to move forward beyond past capacities; and I have personally grown through my associations and coaching conversations with Grady. He uniquely accepts others without judgement, in a manner that is both natural and inviting. He provided encouragement when I was working on a particularly challenging project, and Grady’s thoughtful coaching approach enabled me to overcome obstacles to my progress. Today, I keep a few key points from these conversations on my desk as a reminder, to help me continue moving forward. Without reservation, I highly recommend Grady Batchelor as a coach and mentor!

Bethanie Hansen, DMA, CPC, Faculty Director, American Public University System

Dr. Grady Batchelor, co-author of Group Coaching and Mentoring: A Framework for Fostering Organizational Change, is a professional certified coach (PCC), a board certified coach (BCC), and a certified management consultant (CMC).

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